Nafuda of Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu
Niten Ichi Ryu Graduates in the Niten Institute
In the traditional Japanese dojos it is common to find the Nafuda Kake, a frame with small wooden tablets where the names of the students and instructors are written and arranged by graduation.
In the Niten Institute we also have this tradition. On this page is the Nafuda with the coordinators and students of the Institute with a degree in Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, Miyamoto Musashi Sensei's school.
The school has five grades:
Shoden The first level, given to those who dominated the Tachi Seiho, or katas with long sword
Chuden After Shoden, those who dominated the Kodachi Seiho (short sword)
Okuden After Chuden, those who dominated the Nito Seiho (two swords)
Menkyo After Okuden, those who dominated the Bojutsu katas (long staff)
Menkyo Kaiden The highest level of graduation, given to the Teachers who will pass on the school's teachings to future generations.
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The students listed above received their respective degrees and through constant training and dedication successfully assimilated the techniques of each level.