Nafuda of Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu

Nafuda of Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu

Niten Ichi Ryu Graduates in the Niten Institute

danilo-chuden-5 flavio-chuden-4 renaul-chuden-2 joel-chuden-1 Hiro - 115 Talemitsu - 113 Yoshimitsu-88 wenzel-okuden-1 sensei-menkyo1
corvello-7 alessandro-6 adeval-4 brum-1 kenzo-32 marques-18 holschuh-23 drawin-27 cortes-2 vaz-31 bispo-chuden-7 fugita-chuden-6
guilherme-29 fonseca-26 kuhn-25 edevaldo-24 fernanda-22 breno-21 sartori-20 donega-19 urbanaviius-17 rocco-16 massao-14 fabricio-9 estevao-8
cadu-42 bhering-41 marmol-40 magalhaes-39 patrick-38 ariel-37 ivan-36 camillo-35 teixeira-34 numa-33 taddeo-28 Uehara-92 erik-44
favaron-57 dallaqua-56 laura-55 takei-54 anderson-53 pedrolopes-52 bruna-51 brandolin-50 herculano-49 bolivar-47 basilio-11 derek-45 otavio-43
osella-70 hori-69 helio-68 mazeron-67 nuria-66 delfino-65 cristiano-64 mathias-63 sanches-62 chiarella-30 eder-60 karina-59 joaovicente-58
rodolfo-85 simonassi-84 meloni-83 sanzio-82 ohira-81 thiago mendes-80 luiz fernando-79 sarkisian-78 camila-46 araujo-75 tessari-74 felipe-72 krysamon-71
Ignacio-99 Ueda-97 Demberg-96 Paolo-95 Batalha-94 Fusari-93 Tachibana-91 Tais - 118 joe-61 Shindi-90 Guilherme-89 Édio-88 ruy-87
Kodama - 112 Zambon-111 Andres-110 Neves-109 Adriano-107 Paiva-167 Zambon-106 aretakis-77 Dangelo-105 Radha-104 Takeshi-103 Kalawatis-102 Thomaz-100
Alana - 136 de Palma - 133 Rocha - 134 Bernardo - 132 Rafanelli - 131 Sangiorgior - 130 Saieva - 129 Huarte - 128 Selau - 127 Sato - 126 Ana Lucia - 125 Hideki - 124 Todesco - 114
Pinheiro - 139 Correa - 138 Gib - 137 Franzin - 123 matsuda-168 Tito - 122 Kida - 121 Cavalcante - 120 Furtado-119 Ishikawa - 117 Brasil - 116 Gouveia - 135 Amargos - 134
Mauro Nobilli - 152 Cristian Bressan - 151 O Donnell - 150 Natalia - 149 Rossi - 148 Leonardo - 147 Martin - 146 Paula - 145 Yoshimura - 144 Matsuno - 143 Ivan - 142 Saraiva-141 Rocha-RJ - 140
Roger-165 Juliana-164 Meriguetti - 163 Luigi - 162 Moron-161 Vittola - 159 Vittola - 159 Gorgulho - 158 Rovere - 157 Tai Cheng - 156 Kate - 155 Bergamini - 154 De La Vega - 153
Honda-172 Couto-171 Perazzini-170 Perazzini - 170 Tales-166

In the traditional Japanese dojos it is common to find the Nafuda Kake, a frame with small wooden tablets where the names of the students and instructors are written and arranged by graduation.
In the Niten Institute we also have this tradition. On this page is the Nafuda with the coordinators and students of the Institute with a degree in Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu, Miyamoto Musashi Sensei's school.

The school has five grades:

Shoden – The first level, given to those who dominated the Tachi Seiho, or katas with long sword
Chuden – After Shoden, those who dominated the Kodachi Seiho (short sword)
Okuden – After Chuden, those who dominated the Nito Seiho (two swords)
Menkyo – After Okuden, those who dominated the Bojutsu katas (long staff)
Menkyo Kaiden – The highest level of graduation, given to the Teachers who will pass on the school's teachings to future generations.

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The students listed above received their respective degrees and through constant training and dedication successfully assimilated the techniques of each level.