

In Japan with Sensei 3

por Wenzel - Nihon - 24-Jan-2020

IN JAPAN WITH SENSEI 3 - Senpai Wenzel


(or "the third and final email of the trilogy of a trip to Japan with Sensei")

"Yesss! ...", "... Yesss!". Japanese speaking "yes", even in English, is different. It sounds like an "Hai!". It gets out of the HARA (guts, belly button, body energy source, KIAI`s source!), just like "hai", it`s short, firm, finished with Zanshin. I listen and enjoy the disposition of the young employee of the hotel counter, with his suit a little too big for him, greeting the foreigner: "Yesss!", "Yesss!", while Sensei checks us in speaking in nihongo, to a clumsy employee. Everyone is very fast and attentive as always, but there were four tickets for breakfast.

The breakfast in Japan is a celebration, with rice, fish, missoshiro, pickles, salad, natô, eggs and bacon (as a gift due to the foreigners), seaweed, tofu, and sometimes there is seafood pudding, a success.



Japan / Sao Paulo, May-2018

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