Coffee with Sensei

Coffee with Sensei

Thoughts and comments by Sensei Jorge Kishkawa


17th TBIK - Arigatou

Words from our student Kinugawa about our Tournament:

"Arigatou Gozaimassu Sensei, Sempais and all team of Niten, Arigatou Gozaimassu that Niten exists!!!!!!
Thank you very much for letting me participate, cooperate, and learn, this past Saturday of the Tournament was one of the happiest days of my life!!!!
I waited 8 years for this possibility to live again by this Way.
Arigatou Gozaimassu !!!!!! 
Banzai Niten !!!!!!" 

Kinugawa - RIbeirão Preto Dojo

Kinugawa between the Coordinators of his Dojo in Ribeirão Preto.

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